Thursday, February 16, 2012

Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 1: Winter is Coming

Posted by Khalisi on 1:22 AM

If I am to name my top one choice for the best television series, no doubt HBO’s Game of Thrones will be on the number one spot. Many of you won’t bother asking why is that so for you yourselves knew that it is by far the best of all. Some might say The Walking Dead is a great competitor too. Yes, it’s actually my top two choice followed by Spartacus series, but there is just something about Game of Thrones that makes it more interesting into my eyes. One clear reason is that I am a fan of dark medieval novels in which Game of Thrones obviously posses. Honestly, while I am writing this post, I am also watching Game of Thrones season 1 episode 1 at the same time. This would be my third time watching it and I am very confident to say that I’m still having the same goose bumps when I first watch it. To those who weren’t able to see this magnificent creation of the English writer George R. R. Martin, well let me tell you that you are most likely missing one half of your life. That is a statement and I won’t take it back. Game of thrones season 2 is almost a month and a half away and I actually can’t wait to watch Game of Thrones season 2 episode 1 online, that alone gave me a reason to make a review on Game of Thrones’ first season.

This was the first time I saw the white walkers who is believed by the people of Winterfell to be a thousand years gone. A member of the night watch who guards the wall was also beheaded by the warden of the north, Ned Stark, the lord of Winterfell in honor of King Baratheon’s name. This death sentence bestowed upon that poor man was witnessed by Jon Snow, Stark and Bran. Game of Thrones season 1 episode 1 also showed us how the Stark siblings got their Dire Wolves.  After that, they went off to the woods and found 5 Dire wolves pups which they brought home. This marks my first view of the Dire wolves. The cutest of these pups where that of Lord Snow, correct me if I’m wrong but as far as my knowledge is concern Lord Snow’s pet was named “Ghost”, the most interesting about this puppy is that it got big red eyes and snow white fur, he truly fits to be Lord Snow’s Dire Wolf.

Game of Thrones season 1 episode 1 also gave me the first view of the Lannisters, King Baratheon and the Targaryen siblings. This also gave me the chance to witness the struggles of Daenerys to please her bother Viserys, a mean lame guy who believes he was the Dragon King, well, he was supposedly the next King of Westeros only that the iron throne was taken away from his father by King Baratheon. He was obsessed with his ambition to be the next king so he arranges Daenerys wedding to Khal Drogo whom he believes will help him take back the iron thrones for him. Daenerys didn’t actually like the idea of marrying the Khal but her brother Viserys has the final say. I was fascinated by Daenerys and Khal Drogo's love story only that I won't see the latter as I watch Game of Thrones season 2 episode 1 online on April 1, 2012 cause he died on the last episode of season 1.

Anyway, another remarkable scene during the first episode of Game of Thrones was King Baratheon’s visit to Winterfell. He (the king), Geoffry (his son)  and his wife Cersi together with the latter’s brothers Jamie and Tyrion Lannister along with the King’s army arrived at Winterfell. The reason of the King’s visit is not to unwind but to give Lord Stark an offer of being’ the King’s Hand. Ned was hesitant at first because Lady Katherine won’t allow him but after they’ve received a letter from Lady Katherine’s sister that her husband has been murdered by the Lannisters, Lord Stark accepted the King’s offer.

It was also during this episode 1 of Game of Thrones that Bran saw with his own innocent eyes Jamie and Queen Cersi banging each other while doing his usual climbing stuff. When the Queen saw Bran, Jamie rushed into the kid and asked him several questions like how old was he? Then with just a split second he pushed Bran and the latter fell down. Despite the fact the Game of Thrones season 1 episode 1 ended with Bran fall, I didn’t ever dare tried to think he will die. The last part ignited me and made me more eager to see what happens next. That was the start of my little obsession over George R. R. Martin’s wonderful creation.

This is just the first episode review of Game of Thrones season 1, more will come as the day goes by. On the following day I’ll be posting a review on the series’ episode 2. By the way to those who don’t know yet, Game of Thrones season 2 episode 1 will be back on the lime light this coming April 1, 2012. Geez I actually can’t wait for that. That’s it for now folks, see you all on my next post! Check it out right here at tomorrow. Chow GOT fans!


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